Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) method in near-surface ground investigations. The GPR uses high-frequency-pulsed electromagnetic waves (10 to 3000 MHz) to acquire subsurface information. The electromagnetic(EM) wave is radiated from a transmitting antenna, travels through the sub-surface. If the wave hits a buried object that has different electrical properties from the surrounding medium/soil, then part of the energy/EM wave shall “reflect” back to the surface, while part of its energy continues to travel downward. The wave that is reflected back to the surface is captured by a receive antenna, and recorded on a digital storage device for later interpretation.

- Subsurface mapping for cables, pipes and other buried structures prior to trench-less operations.
- Concrete Inspection- Detection of conduits and reinforcement.
- Engineering investigations to evaluate dams, sea walls, tunnels, pavements, roadbeds, railway embankments, piles, bridge decks, river scour, buildings and monuments Location and evaluation of buried structures including utilities, foundations, reinforcing bars, cavities, tombs, archaeological artifacts etc.